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Articles tagged with: orange

Retail, Reviews, Tobacco »

[31 May 2012 | No Comment | ]
Tangiers Lucid Orange Soda Review

At the start of the session, the flavor does resemble an orange soda. While the bowl heats up, the flavor becomes a thick and mild orange flavor. The flavor is not a natural orange flavor but more of a candy sweet smoke without a synthetic after taste that most shishas bring to the table. A pleasurable session can still be salvaged once the tobacco is over heated. The flavor will return if a proper heat level can be obtained after a short period of time.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[5 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Sweet Tang

Sweet Tang was, well, sweet and tangy. The flavor is a mild citrus, most likely orange. The flavor, in the real world, is much like a sweet orange-aide drink, with a subtle mint flavor.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[24 Jan 2011 | One Comment | ]
Social Smoke Orange

Social Smoke Orange tasted precisely as the name suggests—like an orange. It is sweet and citrusy, and like a real orange there is a subtle sour flavor underneath it all. If you’re familiar with Nakhla tobacco, you will notice that the flavoring element in Social Smoke’s orange is very, very similar to Nakhla’s orange flavor. However, where Nakhla’s orange has a noticeable foundation of the natural tobacco flavor, Social Smoke’s Orange has almost none, which creates a very realistic sensation.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[21 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Citrus Assault

Citrus Assault is a lightly sweetened hodgepodge of citrus flavors, set atop a light spearmint flavor. No particular citrus flavor is clearly dominant above the rest. The overall flavor is mild, bright and refreshing. In real world comparisons, the flavor is similar to citrus gum from Trident.

Featured, Tobacco Mixes »

[11 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Fuzzy Naval Mix

This Fuzzy Naval mix is sweet and mellow, and strikingly distinct. With the citrusy orange flavor as a foundation, the peach blends nearly seamlessly to create a mix that, when proportioned properly, is almost sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Nov 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Tawareg Orange Cream

Al Tawareg Orange Cream is a very mild, citrus-vanilla flavor with another element that gives it a subtle creamy sensation. It also bears a very similar sensation to cream soda. As the session goes on, smokers will likely find that there is a subtle tobacco taste as well. The flavor is very much as the name suggests, but more mild than one might expect.

Tobacco Mixes »

[21 Oct 2010 | No Comment | ]
Three Great Shisha Mixes for Fall

The leaves are changing colors, It’s getting colder, and the closer we get the winter the more those mint-flavors start to feel out of place. So, to remedy this, here are three mixes that go great with the cool fall weather

JM's Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[28 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
JM’s Hookah Fuzzy Naval

Fuzzy Navel, which outside of the hookah world, is a mixed drink made from peach schnapps and orange juice. Having never actually had one of these drinks in real life, it’s difficult to say just how accurate the tobacco is to the real thing. But dissecting the flavor for what it is, there is a very strong, sweet and tangy orange flavor. In fact, the overall taste is very similar to the orange drink Tang. But, inspecting closely, you can also pick up subtle notes of peach. Regardless of whether it tastes like the beverage or not, the flavor is mouthwatering and delicious.

JM's Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[22 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
JM’s Hookah Orange Delight

Orange Delight is a citrus blend of orange flavors, like tangerine, mandarin and naval oranges. It also has a very subtle mint cooling sensation that goes a long way to making this flavor surprisingly refreshing.

Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

[14 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
Tonic Strawberry Citrus Mint

Strawberry Citrus Mint is, as the name suggests, a blend of strawberry, citrus flavors and a light mint sensation. The citrus and mint flavors are clear, though the strawberry is a more ambiguous berry flavor. In terms of other tobaccos, Strawberry Citrus Mint is very similar to Romman’s Good Times flavor. It’s unclear who truly has the upper hand, but Tonic’s Strawberry Citrus Mint is slightly cheaper than Romman’s alternative.