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[25 Jul 2012 | No Comment | ]
Why + How To Use A Hookah Diffuser

Diffusers are a tool used by hookah smokers to break up the flow of smoke and create hundreds, if not thousands of tiny bubbles instead of just a few large bubbles. This has a couple of advantages such as, smoothing the draw of a hookah, aid in the filtration of smoke, and quiet the rumble of the hubbly-bubbly.

Retail, Reviews, Tobacco »

[31 May 2012 | No Comment | ]
Tangiers Lucid Orange Soda Review

At the start of the session, the flavor does resemble an orange soda. While the bowl heats up, the flavor becomes a thick and mild orange flavor. The flavor is not a natural orange flavor but more of a candy sweet smoke without a synthetic after taste that most shishas bring to the table. A pleasurable session can still be salvaged once the tobacco is over heated. The flavor will return if a proper heat level can be obtained after a short period of time.

Hookafina, Reviews, Tobacco »

[22 Dec 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookahfina Electric Lotus Review

Electric Lotus should be renamed Little Girl’s first perfume. If you could take the drip tray from a Slushy machine and pour it over some tobacco and then sprinkle it with sugar and pollen… you would have this stuff. The flavor is as vague as the name is. There is a noticeable generic “flower” flavor but other than that there are no distinguishable fruits or spices in this flavor.

Accessories, Featured, Reviews »

[2 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ]
A Closer Look at the Hookah-Shisha’s Mystique Ice-Tip

The last several years have seen some fantastic innovations in the hookah industry. From ultra-efficient hookah bowls that use less tobacco and coal, to hoses that won’t deteriorate under normal use. And Hookah-Shisha.com, creators of the Nammor washable hose and Romman tobacco, have taken another stab at modern innovation. This time, with the Mystique Hookah Ice Hose Tip.

The Ice Tip takes the simple concept that cooler smoke is smoother smoke, and approaches the process of cooling the smoke in a brand new way. Rather than the traditional method of placing …

Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

[4 Mar 2011 | No Comment | ]
Ayam Zaman Double Apple

Ayam Zaman Double Apple, like all double Apple flavors is an anis based flavor which resembles sweet black licorice. Ayam Zaman’s version is significantly more mild than other brands on the market with some clear undertones of the natural tobacco flavor.

Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

[13 Dec 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Tawareg Double Apple

Al Tawareg has some big shoes to fill with Double Apple. The flavor is among the oldest known hookah ‘flavors’, popularized by Nakhla Tobacco, whose fans are famously passionate about the their products. Double Apple really tastes nothing like apples, as the name and graphics on the packaging might suggest. In fact, Double Apple is an anis flavor which most closely resembles black licorice. In spite of black licorice having a seemingly small fan-base, in the hookah world, Double Apple has a huge fan base. Al Tawareg’s attempt honors the original well with a very, very familiar flavor. However, compared to similar flavors from Al Fakher and Nakhla, Al Tawareg’s Double Apple is light and mellow. The natural honey composition also shines through with a subtle honey sweetness and just a hint of cinnamon.

Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

[6 Dec 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Tawareg Citrus Mint

Citrus Mint is simply as the name describes, though the citrus is not a medley, but a basic lemon. Unlike some lemon flavors, Al Tawareg’s lemon is more tart and realistic, rather than a candy-sweet. The mint is mild, but clearly present.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[3 Dec 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Berry Bang

Berry Bang is a blend of berry flavors and a very light spearmint sensation. The flavor is a little less sweet and a bit more tart.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[2 Dec 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter is a unique, mild flavor, but not altogether unfamiliar either. There are notes of cinnamon or some similar spice, as well as perhaps some melon or apple. There are likely other flavors as well, though they’re difficult to pin-down.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[29 Nov 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Half Baked

Half Baked is, in short, peanut butter cookies in smoke form. Analyzing the flavor more carefully suggests that it’s likely a combination of peanutbutter and vanilla, with some additional sweetness added to it. The flavor is strikingly realistic and downright enjoyable. A keen sense of taste will also reveal the subtle undertones of the natural tobacco flavor.