Articles in the Accessories Category
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Diffusers are a tool used by hookah smokers to break up the flow of smoke and create hundreds, if not thousands of tiny bubbles instead of just a few large bubbles. This has a couple of advantages such as, smoothing the draw of a hookah, aid in the filtration of smoke, and quiet the rumble of the hubbly-bubbly.
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There is no excuse for not taking the proper precautions against illness while enjoying your shisha. Mouth tips can be purchased for pennies a piece and are readily available to consumers. For just a few dollars, you can help keep your friends and community safe from the spread of communicable diseases with these simple, cheap, and sometimes stylish attachments.
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Despite the possible need for minor technical changes, the design is classy and functional. It will secure your hookah in a stained acai enclosure and prevent your setup from totally tipping over. Coal burns are in no way a thing of the past. This device is simply a preventative measure and not guaranteed protection. The Hookah Home is an accessory that will make smoking on gravel, grass, boulders, logs, cars, river banks, and beaches very possible in your near future.
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Although the Flying Saucer bowl is not a revolutionary product and will not replace the HJ mini alien bowl, this newly designed hookah bowl has made smoking heat sensitive tobacco a breeze. If tobacco is packed and treated just like it would be in the HJ Mini Alien Bowl the Flying Saucer bowl will match or beat the flavor results every time. I have found that clouds are not always as impressive in this bowl, but that may be because of the bowl’s tendency to remain cool.
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If you’re a fan of the original phunnel bowls, you will not be disappointed with this one. But keep in mind, because of subtle adjustments to the shape and design, as well as variations in craftsmanship, you might need to adjust your packing and foiling technique. So should you upgrade? Maybe. It’s going to be a matter of preference. If you find your current Alien Phunnel bowl wanting, you might find this updated version to be a mark improvement. But if you’re quite satisfied with your current Alien Phunnel bowl, you might want to wait until a drunken party guest knocks your bowl off the table.
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Sahara Smoke Company has revised their popular specialty bowl, known as the Vortex. The bowl retains its classic funnel shape, with the air holes drilled uniquely around the sides of the spire. The revised bowl retains most of its classic qualities, and gains a few improvements. But, the really important question is, how does it stack up against the classic Vortex bowl? In a word, great.
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Taqseem Inc, the maker of the popular hookah tobacco brand, Tonic, has released their own version of the fully-washable Egyptian hookah hose, as well as a fully-washable replacement for the standard short handled modern hookah hose.
Tonic’s Fully Washable Egyptian Hookah Hose
Like the other washable hoses on the market, Tonic’s premium washable hose is made without any metal which is prone to rust and eventually cause the hose to deteriorate. The alternative rubber materials, on the other hand, will last indefinitely. Though it will be a tad stiff until it’s …
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The last several years have seen some fantastic innovations in the hookah industry. From ultra-efficient hookah bowls that use less tobacco and coal, to hoses that won’t deteriorate under normal use. And, creators of the Nammor washable hose and Romman tobacco, have taken another stab at modern innovation. This time, with the Mystique Hookah Ice Hose Tip.
The Ice Tip takes the simple concept that cooler smoke is smoother smoke, and approaches the process of cooling the smoke in a brand new way. Rather than the traditional method of placing …
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The Vortex Bowl is one of only a few very popular specialty bowls. In short, it’s design aims to help tobacco smoke longer with more flavor by trapping the juice in the bottom of the bowl, rather than leaking down into the hookah itself. Today, we’re going to spend some time looking at the Vortex Bowl in detail, as well as look at some of the pros and cons of this unique bowl.
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If you have ever checked out Hookah John‘s website, you will definitely know that he has his own line of hookah hoses. They are amazing and the Narbish Version 4 will soon be hitting the market. In a recent YouTube video, John himself stated that the Narbish version 4 will be out “soon”. It was later posted on Royal Hookah Forum that the Narbish Version 4 would be out in two weeks. The new Narbish is said to have a shorter hose adapter that will accommodate smaller hookahs.
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