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Articles tagged with: lemon

Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

[31 May 2011 | No Comment | ]
Ayam Zaman Lemon

Ayam Zaman Lemon is like a spicy lemon-drop candy. The flavor is sweet, with a spicy tobacco undertone, which is present in all of the Ayam Zaman flavors—it’s not a drawback, it’s part of the appeal of the Ayam Zaman line. In this case, the spicy flavor doesn’t seem like an accident, as it sometimes does in other brands, such as Nakhla.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[21 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Citrus Assault

Citrus Assault is a lightly sweetened hodgepodge of citrus flavors, set atop a light spearmint flavor. No particular citrus flavor is clearly dominant above the rest. The overall flavor is mild, bright and refreshing. In real world comparisons, the flavor is similar to citrus gum from Trident.

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[20 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Lemonade

Hookah-Hookah Lemonade has a very mild, subtle lemon flavor with some added sweetness. the flavor is so light that some of the natural tobacco flavor shines through right from the start. Also absent from this flavor is a mint element, which would add a refreshing sensation typical to what most would equate to real lemonade.

Featured, Tobacco Mixes »

[11 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Fuzzy Naval Mix

This Fuzzy Naval mix is sweet and mellow, and strikingly distinct. With the citrusy orange flavor as a foundation, the peach blends nearly seamlessly to create a mix that, when proportioned properly, is almost sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

[6 Dec 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Tawareg Citrus Mint

Citrus Mint is simply as the name describes, though the citrus is not a medley, but a basic lemon. Unlike some lemon flavors, Al Tawareg’s lemon is more tart and realistic, rather than a candy-sweet. The mint is mild, but clearly present.

Tobacco Mixes »

[21 Oct 2010 | No Comment | ]
Three Great Shisha Mixes for Fall

The leaves are changing colors, It’s getting colder, and the closer we get the winter the more those mint-flavors start to feel out of place. So, to remedy this, here are three mixes that go great with the cool fall weather

Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

[14 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
Tonic Strawberry Citrus Mint

Strawberry Citrus Mint is, as the name suggests, a blend of strawberry, citrus flavors and a light mint sensation. The citrus and mint flavors are clear, though the strawberry is a more ambiguous berry flavor. In terms of other tobaccos, Strawberry Citrus Mint is very similar to Romman’s Good Times flavor. It’s unclear who truly has the upper hand, but Tonic’s Strawberry Citrus Mint is slightly cheaper than Romman’s alternative.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[12 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Voltage

Officially, Social Smoke describes Voltage as a blend of Watermelon and Lemon, with a hint of Amaretto sweet almond flavoring. When examined closely, the lemon and watermelon can be distinguished, though the almond is almost totally invisible. In real world smoking, without any clues to the intended flavor, the taste is very much like a sweet blend of mild lemon and jasmine.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[30 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Lemon

Lemon is a mild citrus flavor. The aroma betrays the taste in that it smells more like cleaner than something you’d want to smoke, but tastes very different. Unlike Nakhla’s Lemon flavor, Al Fakher Lemon is much closer to the flavor of a real lemon, but still more of a candy-caricature. You might even compare it to a mild lemon-tea. Lemon is sweet, but not overpowering and it lacks the tartness of a real lemon. The lemon flavor is much more of a lemon sensation that a replication. The natural taste of the tobacco subtly peaks through, though in general, the taste is simple with only a few quiet undertones of tobacco, and the rest lemon. The simplicity and subtlety of the lemon taste makes this a great flavor for mixing.

Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

[28 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Romman Good Times

Romman Good Times is a blend of orange, lemon, apple and mint flavors. The most dominant is clearly the orange citrus, though I wouldn’t classify it exactly as a citrus tobacco. When smoking, it’s difficult to pick out the specific flavors, and in that way it’s a bit simple. The mint also is weak compared to what you might expect. Rather than producing a mint sensation, it has a subtle cooling effect.