Articles in the Ayam Zaman Category
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

Ayam Zaman Lemon is like a spicy lemon-drop candy. The flavor is sweet, with a spicy tobacco undertone, which is present in all of the Ayam Zaman flavors—it’s not a drawback, it’s part of the appeal of the Ayam Zaman line. In this case, the spicy flavor doesn’t seem like an accident, as it sometimes does in other brands, such as Nakhla.
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

Ayam Zaman Watermelon, like it’s Hookah-Hookah cousin, is an excellent, realistic watermelon flavor. The flavor is sweet and rich, similar to the bright pink parts of a real watermelon, but there are also some notes of tartness, like you might find in the lighter parts of a watermelon found closer to the rind. However, unlike the Hookah-Hookah counterpart, Ayam Zaman’s Watermelon also has a distinct natural tobacco undertone which, in this case, takes away from the overall flavor a bit.
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

From the packaging, Fruit Mix smells almost exactly like black licorice. Different from licorice-like, anis flavors such as Two Apples from Nakhla, Fruit Mix smells almost exactly like black candy licorice. The flavor, however, significantly differs from the smell. Fruit Mix tastes just as the name implies, like an ambiguous combination of different fruit flavors, weighted more toward berry varieties. The overall taste, as far as fruit mix flavors are concerned, is a bit spicier and darker.
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

Ayam Zaman Strawberry, while not quite exactly like the real thing, is by far the most accurate strawberry flavored shisha that I have tasted. It is sweet and bright, with only a hint of tartness. The flavor is much like a strawberry syrup, like you might drizzle on a cheesecake. In order to truly experience the accuracy of this particular flavor, it’s necessary to exhale the smoke through both your mouth and nose simultaneously.
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

Nights, I’m told, is actually an adaptation of a traditional Middle Eastern drink. Few in North America will recognize this comparison. The flavor is dark and spicy with a striking sweetness which makes for an interesting, complex and calming flavor. You’ll likely first notice a blend of what seems to be cinnamon and clove, but set atop a black licorice foundation—thought this observation only comes after a careful inspection of the different flavors.