Reviews, Starbuzz, Tobacco »

Smoking Starbuzz is always a great experience. With two coals and a windcover, this tobacco will start smoking within a pull or two. The clouds that are produced are large, dense and will last about 45 minutes to an hour until new coals will need to be applied. With a Tangiers small phunnel, we were able to achieve sessions from 1 hour and 30 minutes to two hours. If overheated, the flavour will be nice for a short period of period of time but that will disappear quickly and become extremely harsh.
Community, Contest, Featured »

Would you like to win a Khalil Mamoon hookah with accessories valued at about 300$? I bet you would, so head on over to the Royal Hookah Forum ( and sign up. From there, you have to participate a little and get over 25 posts.
Easy so far?
Next, you have to place an order valued at over 45$ with Hookah John ( and when you are about to checkout, insert into the Special Instructions field, “Enter me into the RHF raffle!” Pretty simple, right? If you haven’t already ordered from Hookah …
Accessories, Featured, News, Retail »

If you have ever checked out Hookah John‘s website, you will definitely know that he has his own line of hookah hoses. They are amazing and the Narbish Version 4 will soon be hitting the market. In a recent YouTube video, John himself stated that the Narbish version 4 will be out “soon”. It was later posted on Royal Hookah Forum that the Narbish Version 4 would be out in two weeks. The new Narbish is said to have a shorter hose adapter that will accommodate smaller hookahs.
Check back here for more …
Nakhla, Reviews, Tobacco »

Smoking Nakhla Double Apple brings back memories of the early days of smoking hookah when it was the only hookah tobacco that was easily accessible. It is a traditional tobacco and, with 2 or 3 coals, will start to produce amazing smoke within the first 2 pulls. With proper coal management, you can achieve very thick clouds and great, anise filled flavour.
Featured, Products »

Shisha has been smoked for thousands of years, but yet, people still have trouble setting up a hookah. Huffing and puffing on those dirty hoses, preparing coals on a burner and drying your stem can all be a pain, not to mention all the smokeless pulling you will have to endure at the beginning of your hookah smoking session. Introducing the Shishavac, a product of Tannous Innovations.
Fantasia, Reviews, Tobacco »

I used to love Cherry Cola and used to mix it by hand with some Nakhla Cherry and Nakhla Cola, which, once I found Hookah John, became Al Fakher Cherry and Al Fakher Cola. Both mixes were amazing. When I found this Fantasia flavour though, I thought it would have been the end to my mixing Cherry Cola days. I was wrong. The Cherry and the Cola where both there, although the Cola was mild, but that sweetness and freshness of drinking a good Cherry Coke were not.
Featured, Retail »

Having your own hookah saves money. It is a lot cheeper and more fun to have your friends over at your house then going to a hookah lounge. A typical lounge will cost about 10$ a hookah, then about 5 – 10$ for a refill. Why not take the 10$ you were going to spend there and put it towards your own hookah? Trust me, it’s worth it.
The Hookah
First, you will have to pick a hookah. A good hookah should run you in about 50 – 150$ depending on the …