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Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[12 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke The Edge Review

The Edge flavor is difficult to nail down. There is a subtle candy-watermelon taste and likely some blended berries as well. But the overall taste is a kind of candy rush—very sweet, but with a delicate floral finish.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Scooby Snack

The name ‘Scooby Snack’ doesn’t lend itself well to describing the actual flavor of the smoke. Though a careful examination reveals that Scooby Snack is actually primarily a melon flavor. Perhaps cantaloupe or honey dew. However, there are other flavors blended among the melon. Identifying them specifically is nearly impossible, it seems there may be some caramel or chocolate, along with perhaps some light cinnamon. Overall however, the flavor is dark, rich and sweet.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Lemonade

The flavor is a sweet, yet tart, candy lemon. But when mixed with the natural flavor of the tea leaves, is almost identical to Lemon Brisk Iced Tea. The flavor is rich and tasty, but not too sweat, and not chemical at all. Additionally, once the lemon flavor has faded, the natural flavor of the tea leaves is actually quite pleasant.

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[17 Jun 2010 | One Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Clove

Clove is dark, rich and spicy. It tastes very much like the real clove spice. However, unlike other brand’s attempts at clove flavors, Hookah-Hookah clove is fairly mild with quiet, sweet undertones of cinnamon.

Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

[28 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Romman Good Times

Romman Good Times is a blend of orange, lemon, apple and mint flavors. The most dominant is clearly the orange citrus, though I wouldn’t classify it exactly as a citrus tobacco. When smoking, it’s difficult to pick out the specific flavors, and in that way it’s a bit simple. The mint also is weak compared to what you might expect. Rather than producing a mint sensation, it has a subtle cooling effect.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[22 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Golden Bahraini Apple

When trying Golden Bahraini Apple for the first time, it seems most people recoil at how little it tastes like an actual apple. But with time, those who continue to smoke it learn to appreciate the complexity of the flavor. Golden Bahraini Apple has a rich, dark, almost earthy taste. At first you’ll want to liken it to licorice, but a more careful examination of the flavor reveals undertones of cinnamon and spice, paired with a subtle candy apple taste.. The flavor is warm, smooth and rich with a sweetness that doesn’t call attention to itself but supports the the complex set of flavors crossing your pallet.