Articles tagged with: coals
coals, Featured, How-Tos & Tips »

If you smoke consistently, you’ll eventually run into this problem. You tear into a fresh box of natural coals and start using them. Before long, you realize a lot of your coals are going out after 20 or 30 minutes. Your coals are water damaged. It might have been too much moisture in the air. Perhaps they were stored improperly, or maybe you got a bad box. However it happened, before you throw away 15 hard earned dollars, try to repair that box. It’s not a quick fix, but it’s …
Featured, How-Tos & Tips, Set-Up »

The Vortex Bowl from Sahara Smoke is one of only a few very popular specialty bowls. While it has a few drawbacks, one of its major selling points is that it’s among the easiest to pack. In this short tutorial I’m going to show you how to pack your Vortex bowl and get an excellent smoke, no matter what kind of shisha tobacco you fill it with. So, lets get started.
Mix Your Shisha
The Vortex Bowl shines the most when using a wet shisha (though brands that are more dry will …
Featured, News »

A representative from Coconara natural charcoal informed us today that the ‘classic’ shape of their coals will be making a come back after audiences shared mixed impressions on the new shape. The representative told us that the newer size and shape of Coconara coals was a result of wide appeal in the Middle East where smokers tend to use much large bowls. US customers, however, were not so enthusiastic.
Mixed feedback has led Coconara to make the decision to market both coal shapes in the US, though the time frame …
Headline, How-Tos & Tips, Set-Up »

We are working our way down the hookah. Last time we discussed all the major parts of a hookah and what they do to help maximize your smoking experience. This time, we’re going to get into the gritty details of the hookah experience with a look at coals. What are they, what do they do and how do we use them best. So, lets not waste any more time.
Coals are an absolute essential part of the hookah experience. They are among the few things truly setting hookah apart from virtually …
Accessories, Featured, Reviews »

If you frequent the major hookah community forums, you have no doubt heard of the famous $10 burner from Walgreens. This no-frills device is a perfect, cost effective tool for lighting your coals without having to get ash all (or stink) over the kitchen. And, if you break it, $10 isn’t going to be too much of a burden. Let’s take a closer look at the tool.
Long have I used a burner tool to light my natural coals. It’s cheap and effective, and if you have a favorite spot …
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Social Smoke Lime has a clear citrusy lime taste. There is a hint of tartness that accompanies the smoke, as well as a subtle mint flavor which only appears toward the end of a draw and affects the back of the throat most clearly. The taste may more accurately be likened to a glass of cold limeade, though just barely sweetened.