Articles tagged with: thick
Retail, Reviews, Tobacco »

At the start of the session, the flavor does resemble an orange soda. While the bowl heats up, the flavor becomes a thick and mild orange flavor. The flavor is not a natural orange flavor but more of a candy sweet smoke without a synthetic after taste that most shishas bring to the table. A pleasurable session can still be salvaged once the tobacco is over heated. The flavor will return if a proper heat level can be obtained after a short period of time.
Fusion, Reviews, Tobacco »

Chocolate Mint is, in a word, unbelievable. While there are many Chocolate Mint flavors on the market, none has managed to capture my attention like Fusion’s attempt. The flavor, and the aroma, are exactly as the title suggests—chocolate mint. The mint, while distinct, is not overpowering. It won’t clear your sinuses. And the chocolate is a sweet, chocolate cake flavor. Unlike other brands where the chocolate flavor is more like a protein shake, Fusions chocolate is much more realistic.