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Nakhla, Reviews, Smoking, Tobacco, Tobacco Mixes, Uncategorized »

[26 Jun 2012 | One Comment | ]
Nakhla Mix Cosmopolitan Review

This stuff packs a punch. The flavor is so bold, and possesses such a thickness, that it can only be described as, “tasting dense”. If you can keep the plumes from getting caught in your throat, you will taste something like pink lemonade spiked with cranberry juice

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[3 Feb 2011 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Berry Punch

Berry Punch, like the tobacco’s aroma, tastes like a richer, sweeter version of children’s Flintstones vitamins, but not so chalky. The flavor is mild enough that it’s not completely in your face, but rich enough to keep you interested. Though overall, it is a berry flavor, the exact berry flavor is ambiguous.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[19 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Freak’s Choice

Freak’s Choice is an interesting flavor that seems to combine a subtle toffee flavor with an ambiguous fruit or melon mix. Overall the flavor is somewhat strange at first, neither dark, nor bright, neither refreshing nor spicy. The best way to describe the flavor may be that it is something like a light, sweet after dinner dessert.

Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

[10 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Ayam Zaman Fruit Mix

From the packaging, Fruit Mix smells almost exactly like black licorice. Different from licorice-like, anis flavors such as Two Apples from Nakhla, Fruit Mix smells almost exactly like black candy licorice. The flavor, however, significantly differs from the smell. Fruit Mix tastes just as the name implies, like an ambiguous combination of different fruit flavors, weighted more toward berry varieties. The overall taste, as far as fruit mix flavors are concerned, is a bit spicier and darker.

Tobacco Mixes »

[3 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Orange Yorkie Mix

Remember those fantastic Terry’s Chocolate Oranges? The commercial would always end with someone slamming the chocolate orange onto a hard surface and all the little chocolate orange wedges would fall apart. Who didn’t love that? Well, add a healthy dose of mint and you can get almost the same experience in your hookah smoke.
The Mix
Begin with Nakhla Mandarin Orange tobacco. Using your bowl, measure out about 70% Mandarin Orange. Fill the remaining 30% of the bowl with Nakhla Chocomint. Empty the contents into a small kitchen bowl and mix thoroughly …

Headline, How-Tos & Tips, Set-Up »

[6 Jun 2010 | One Comment | ]
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide: Part Three, Packing Your Bowl

First we talked about the basics of hookah anatomy. Then, we got into the gritty details of hookah charcoal. This week, we’re going to discuss what it takes to pack your tobacco in your bowl and get a great smoking session out of it. So, lets get started.

If you’re reading this guide, there’s a good chance you’re not using a specialty bowl, such as a Vortex or phunnel bowl. Rather, you’re probably using the bowl that came with your hookah. That’s a standard bowl. It may be an Egyptian bowl, a mod Bowl or a Mya bowl, but regardless, the routine for packing pretty much any of these will be about the same. So, for this guide, we’re going to assume you…

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[30 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Lemon

Lemon is a mild citrus flavor. The aroma betrays the taste in that it smells more like cleaner than something you’d want to smoke, but tastes very different. Unlike Nakhla’s Lemon flavor, Al Fakher Lemon is much closer to the flavor of a real lemon, but still more of a candy-caricature. You might even compare it to a mild lemon-tea. Lemon is sweet, but not overpowering and it lacks the tartness of a real lemon. The lemon flavor is much more of a lemon sensation that a replication. The natural taste of the tobacco subtly peaks through, though in general, the taste is simple with only a few quiet undertones of tobacco, and the rest lemon. The simplicity and subtlety of the lemon taste makes this a great flavor for mixing.