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Hydro Herbal, Reviews, Tobacco »

[2 Mar 2011 | One Comment | ]
Hydro Kali Drizzle

Kali Drizzle is most likely a combination of mint, blueberries and grape. The mint flavoring is relatively heavy, at times almost overpowering. But berry and grape flavors do shine through, though neither are even remotely realistic. Rather they’re more of a candy caricature of the real thing, and at first, almost chemical.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[30 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Pina Colada

Evolution Tea’s Pina Colada tastes like the real virgin beverage by the same name. It is sweet, and refreshing, with a distinct coconut flavor. There are also some very subtle tea flavors underneath it all, which are actually a welcome addition, leaving a nice calming sensation.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[21 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Kiwi

Kiwi tastes almost just as it smells, like a candy caricature of the real fruit by the same name. In other real world comparisons, Evolution Tea Kiwi resembles Tropical Fruit Starburst or Skittles.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[3 Sep 2010 | 2 Comments | ]
Evolution Tea Peanutbutter

Peanutbutter. It tastes exactly like peanut butter. In fact, the flavor is so familiar, many who have tried it have actually found themselves smacking the roof of their mouth as if they’d actually eaten a spoon full of peanut butter. Unlike real peanut butter, this rendition is a bit sweeter, perhaps a bit more akin to what you might find in a peanut butter cup filling.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[10 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Spearmint

Spearmint is fairly straight foreword. It tastes like a mild sweet mint. Something like Eclipse chewing gum. It’s an easier mint flavor to smoke by itself as the mint is more mild and the sweetness adds a necessary element which is often missing from other plain mint flavors.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Lemonade

The flavor is a sweet, yet tart, candy lemon. But when mixed with the natural flavor of the tea leaves, is almost identical to Lemon Brisk Iced Tea. The flavor is rich and tasty, but not too sweat, and not chemical at all. Additionally, once the lemon flavor has faded, the natural flavor of the tea leaves is actually quite pleasant.