Articles tagged with: rich
Fusion, Reviews, Tobacco »

Chocolate Mint is, in a word, unbelievable. While there are many Chocolate Mint flavors on the market, none has managed to capture my attention like Fusion’s attempt. The flavor, and the aroma, are exactly as the title suggests—chocolate mint. The mint, while distinct, is not overpowering. It won’t clear your sinuses. And the chocolate is a sweet, chocolate cake flavor. Unlike other brands where the chocolate flavor is more like a protein shake, Fusions chocolate is much more realistic.
Tobacco, Tobacco Mixes »

Dark Peach creates a delicious tension between the dark anis flavor of Two Apples and the authentic sweet flavor of White Peach. The Two Apples cuts the sweetness of the White Peach, bringing to the table a rich earthy, yet still fruity, experience. Because you’re mixing different brands of tobacco, heat management will have to be taken into consideration…
Nakhla, Reviews, Tobacco »

Nakhla Lemon is a candy, citrus flavor. The aroma is deceiving as it does not accurately match the flavor. But this isn’t a complaint. The flavor is easy to enjoy, not being too sweet or rich The lemon flavor probably most closely resembles the Lemonhead candy, which is sweet and lemony, but also a bit tart. This is just what you can expect from Nakhla Lemon. As with most Nakhla flavors, the natural tobacco taste is also clearly present, and introduces a dark, earthy experience to the Lemon flavor.