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Al Fakher, Black Moassel, Reviews, Smoking, Tobacco »

[16 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Soft Black

Soft Black is an unflavored tobacco. The taste is that of tobacco, made slightly sweet by the molasses ingredient. The result is something similar to smoking a standard pipe, unflavored cigar or expensive cigarette. Like natural tobaccos, the taste is dark, rich and earthy. It goes excellently with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. If the natural tobacco taste is too much for you, as it is for some people, adding a small amount of mild flavored tobacco, such as mint, cinnamon or jasmine can add the subtle sensation of smoking a flavored pipe tobacco or flavored cigar. Soft Black can also be added to strong, flavored tobaccos to mild things out a bit. But be warned, the more Soft Black you add to a flavored tobacco the more natural tobacco taste you will introduce.

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[28 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Shisha Stocks Al Fakher Soft Black Unflavored Tobacco

Unflavored tobacco fans rejoice. According to a direct message from Hookah-Shisha.com, the elusive, yet highly esteemed, Al Fakher Soft Black is on their shelves for the first time. Hookah-Shisha.com joins a short list of US vendors who carry the unflavored tobacco product. Unfortunately, none of us here at HookahReport have had the opportunity to try it. But judging by the chatter on the message boards, we ought to have our expectations pretty high.
Al Fakher Soft Black is only available in 1kg packages. Hookah-Shisha.com sells the tobacco for $45.95 in …