Articles tagged with: smooth
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The last several years have seen some fantastic innovations in the hookah industry. From ultra-efficient hookah bowls that use less tobacco and coal, to hoses that won’t deteriorate under normal use. And, creators of the Nammor washable hose and Romman tobacco, have taken another stab at modern innovation. This time, with the Mystique Hookah Ice Hose Tip.
The Ice Tip takes the simple concept that cooler smoke is smoother smoke, and approaches the process of cooling the smoke in a brand new way. Rather than the traditional method of placing …
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Dulce De Leche is a sweet cream flavor. Neither fruit, nor obviously spice and certainly not floral. The most obvious sensation is sweet. It’s very sweet. But the actual flavor is delicate. It’s difficult to place exactly what it tastes like (made especially difficult since I’ve never had the drink for which this tobacco was named). There are some darker undertones, perhaps caramel, while the more obvious flavor is light and creamy.