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Articles tagged with: holiday

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[14 Dec 2011 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Ginger Bread

Gingerbread is somewhat true to its name. It does have a spicy ginger flavor, but it lacks the distinct sweetness of the cookie. That’s not to say it’s unpleasant. In fact, it’s quite nice. But it comes across as more of an almost tangy, spice flavor than a sweet Christmas-themed one.

Tobacco Mixes »

[21 Oct 2010 | No Comment | ]
Three Great Shisha Mixes for Fall

The leaves are changing colors, It’s getting colder, and the closer we get the winter the more those mint-flavors start to feel out of place. So, to remedy this, here are three mixes that go great with the cool fall weather