Articles tagged with: grapefruit
Products, Reviews, Tobacco »

The flavor is light, airy, and easy to overheat. The grapefruit flavor is spot on to its name though; there is a nice citrus flavor backed with a bitter flavor that you would expect from an actual grapefruit. If the tobacco can be smoked successfully, it could be a very pleasant smoke on a hot, muggy day. Since the flavor is not heavy and thick, like you might expect from Tangiers, it might just become a summer smoke for the more experienced hookah enthusiasts.
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

Hookah-Hookah Grapefruit does resemble a real grapefruit. However, it’s much sweeter. Most grapefruits purchased in a standard grocery store are relatively sour, and that’s a sensation I expected in the tobacco, but was nowhere to be found. There are some very subtle notes of what might be a floral jasmine flavor, or perhaps even a clove flavor.