Articles tagged with: explaination
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Good evening loyal (or first time) reader! Since launched about two months ago we’ve seen steady increases in readership and buzz around the web (much appreciated, Google Alerts). But the undertaking is big. There are a lot of different flavors, a lot of accessories and nearly endless ideas for making your smoking session that much better. We simply can’t possibly write it all.
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A hookah, originally referred to as a nargileh or a shisha, is a kind of waterpipe used for smoking wet tobacco called Moassel (or in the United States, Sisha—yeah, we got our words all mixed up over here). Getting an excellent smoke session from a hookah isn’t something most people can do without a little guidance. There are many caveats to a great session that take some time and practice to master. In this series of tutorials, we hope to help new smokers (and those who’ve been sojourning from the …