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[2 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ]
A Closer Look at the Hookah-Shisha’s Mystique Ice-Tip

The last several years have seen some fantastic innovations in the hookah industry. From ultra-efficient hookah bowls that use less tobacco and coal, to hoses that won’t deteriorate under normal use. And Hookah-Shisha.com, creators of the Nammor washable hose and Romman tobacco, have taken another stab at modern innovation. This time, with the Mystique Hookah Ice Hose Tip.

The Ice Tip takes the simple concept that cooler smoke is smoother smoke, and approaches the process of cooling the smoke in a brand new way. Rather than the traditional method of placing …

JM's Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[22 Sep 2010 | No Comment | ]
JM’s Hookah Orange Delight

Orange Delight is a citrus blend of orange flavors, like tangerine, mandarin and naval oranges. It also has a very subtle mint cooling sensation that goes a long way to making this flavor surprisingly refreshing.