Articles tagged with: beverage
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Dulce De Leche is a sweet cream flavor. Neither fruit, nor obviously spice and certainly not floral. The most obvious sensation is sweet. It’s very sweet. But the actual flavor is delicate. It’s difficult to place exactly what it tastes like (made especially difficult since I’ve never had the drink for which this tobacco was named). There are some darker undertones, perhaps caramel, while the more obvious flavor is light and creamy.
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

Margarita is extremely mild. No particular flavor stands out. There are subtle hints of lime and a flavor to mimic that of tequila, though it’s unlikely you would be able to discern it without being told what it’s supposed to taste like. There is also a definite natural tobacco taste present as well, though it’s difficult to decipher what is the flavor of the tobacco, versus what is intended to taste like margarita. The flavor in Margarita is also very sensitive. Too much heat produces a burnt taste, though unlike other tobaccos, it will go away if you reduce the heat.