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Social Smoke Blush

Authored by William on 9 September 2010 No Comment

09-09-10_092716_Blush, Social Smoke

09-09-10_092809_Blush, Social Smoke

Full Disclosure

Social Smoke was kind enough to send us this tobacco for free to try it out and share our opinions. We always make every effort to review honestly regardless of what means were used to acquire the product. Social Smoke tobacco is available directly from Social Smoke’s website.



Based on: Flavor: 5/5, Smoke: 4.5/5, Resilience, 3.5/5, Longevity: 5/5

Cut & Composition

Social Smoke Blush is a medium cut, slimy tobacco with a few small stems, none of which have been found disruptive to the packing process.

Price & Quantities Available

  • 100g – $10.95
  • 250g – $20.95
  • 1kg – $69.95

The Experience

Blush began smoking almost immediately, along with the flavor and smoke. After about five minutes the smoke was surprisingly thick. The session, as is typical of Social Smoke tobacco lasted about an hour and forty minutes, though the smoke began to thin out after about an hour and twenty minutes.

The Flavor

Social Smoke describes Blush as a blend of raspberry, fruits, citrus and a hint of rose. The resulting flavor is more likely to remind you of a really excellent stick of bubble gum. If you examine closely enough, you can definitely pick up on notes of fruit and berry flavor. Picking out any one of them in particular is difficult. Blush is a mild, sweet candy style flavor with an excellent and subtle floral finish.

The Insight

Blush is what some would probably describe as a girly flavor. But I defy just about anyone who says they really hate it. Not crazy about it? Maybe. But the flavor is hard to find fault with. It’s mild and sweet and downright smokeable. Even if it’s not your favorite. For me, someone who loves the spice flavors most, I probably won’t smoke it on a regular rotation. But Blush is likely to find a regular residence on my shelf.

Who Should Try This Flavor

Blush is a party favorite. Most people have, at the very least enjoyed it. I have yet to meat anyone who doesn’t. If you like sweet, fruity and mild, then feel 100% comfortable dropping this flavor in your shopping cart.

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